About art and art history

Victoria Vinogradova,  Künstlerin der Ausstellung Konvergenzen



Ausstellungsansicht Konvergenzen, Kulturdrogerie, Wien, 2018, Foto: Julia Dorninger

O.T. (Ausschnitt), 2018, Bleistift auf Papier, 43 x 28 cm, © Victoria Vinogradova

I am constantly switching between works on paper and three dimensional objects. Drawing remains a constant part of my artistic practice. It is a certain way of mind functioning, the way of dissecting reality and constructing new visions, the way to play and communicate. A sculpture can come from a sketch or the other way around a drawing can be based on a sculpture. It grows into each other. With an art historian and restoration background time dimension enters my game. Time as a long row of references popping up in my head and shaping a peace to a certain extent. Time as an interest for patinated materials, objects with history and time-consuming medieval techniques. This luggage of knowledge merges with my everyday experience.


Text: Victoria Vinogradova, 2018